This is the complete Adobe CS6 Design and Web Premium.
The serial key will be transferred through an official Transferor/Recipient program provided by Adobe.
It is available for commercial use.
No physical shipping, including physical boxes.

Check out the Adobe License Transferor/Recipient Program

Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium components

Adobe Photoshop® CS6 Extended

Adobe Illustrator® CS6

Adobe InDesign® CS6

Adobe Dreamweaver® CS6

Adobe Flash® Professional CS6

Adobe Fireworks® CS6

Adobe Acrobat® X Pro

Additional components:

Bridge® CS6

Media Encoder® CS6

Extension Manager CS6

ExtendScript Toolkit CS6

Integrates with Adobe® CS Live online services*

CS6 Design and Web Premium release notes

We Adobe Certified Reseller.
We have stock for CS5, CS5.5, CS6 other editions and Mac, so please inquire.
If you have any questions, please contact us anytime!