This bilingual (Hungarian and English) book contains the hurdy-gurdy - needed teaching musical skills, musical history , types of drawings , diagrams illustrating it. The author describes the main technical instrument settings, and practical guidelines for the maintenance of the practices necessary to master gameplay . The practice describes the use of folk music , from folk art communication , data transmission originating from descriptions, sheet music , complete with pictures . The book is the first such publication in Hungarian , as summarized in the area of the hurdy-gurdy , the scale 135 pages , which includes musicnotes, Rókus Papp Southern Lowlands hurdy-gurdy player's repertoire .

1. History and types of hurdy gurdies

1.1. Historical background
1.2. Types of hurdy gurdies
1.3. The Hungarian teker?
1.4. Ethnographic information

  2. Using and playing the teker?lant
2.1. Practical advice
2.2. Playing and buzzing-bridge technique
2.3. Basics of melodic playing on the teker?
2.4. Single buzzes and the role of rhythm in Southern Lowlands ( Délalföldi ) music

2.5. Sample scores

3. Useful information about the instrument ,
3.1. Technical tricks and tips
3.2. Adjusting and maintaining the buzzing-bridge system

4. Appendices

Further reading