Great looking Gibson CMT from 1982

For 40 years old it's in great shape.

Whatever dings there are to be found are minimal.  The biggest of which are by the wings and I got the best photos I could of them.  If you want more, just holler.

The back might be one of my favorite faces of it.  There is a super minimal amount of worming where buckle rash would be but its only visible in certain lights.  The finish on it just looks beautiful though.

This guitar has had a Khaler Trem system added to it and it works great.  The nut could use some new clamp screws down the line but its not a biggie and they do still work.

It also just had a refret done by my favorite local luthier Hans (   ) he did a great job, there's no buzzing to speak of,  the frets look great and its perfectly inntonated.

The pickups are live.  Super hot and perfect for heavier genres but also with a good clean sound (not sure what happens between 1 &10 though :-) )

It's waiting to shred its next 40 years.

Ask any questions you like.  I'll even play stairway on it and send you a video if you like.