6.3V 15V High Voltage Power ON Delay Start Protection Board F Tube Amplifier Amp


High voltage delay circuit board for Tube Amp, can control the DC voltage 1500V current 30A

Fine epoxy plate thickness 2mm, size 85 × 35mm, gold plating process. Mark interface functions and parameters, easy to use.
Tube Amp Power supply delay board. 15V AC/ DC or 6.3V AC power supply, power supply by the time base 555 integrated block circuit delay, about 0 to 3 minutes delay can be adjusted (on the board with adjustable resistance), control relay connected to DC high voltage, can extend the life of the tube.
NT90 series of general-purpose relay can control the DC voltage 1500V, over-current 30A
Another circuit of this circuit is: the board relay switch connected to the transformer high-voltage winding center between the tap and ground to delay the control of high-voltage AC output. As shown below:
Package included:
1x Delay Power Board