*NXP, PN532 and MIFARE™ is a registered trademark of NXP semiconductors

MIFARE DESFire — is a trademark of NXP B.V.

If you already have ACR122u, ACR1252u RFID reader and writer, then you can use this software to learn RFID and NFC concepts. This software is specifically written for ACR122U and runs on any windows operation system. By following step by  step instructions in video you will master how to use and program various RFID tags.

Please see the video in youtube before you decide to buy this software 

ACR1252u is a new NFC reader writer from company ACS.You can buy this new device from various places in internet. Please see my introduction video on ACR1252u in youtube

When you buy this item, I shall email you the software activation key along with a link to download the software. All learning videos are in youtube.

Please have a look at my others listings

  1. Using PN532 with USB to TTL ( No Arduino required )
  2. Build Your Own PN532 Reader Writer
  3. Starter Kit using Arduino/MFRC522/PN532 with components, Tags and software
  4. Starter kit using Arduino/MFRC522/PN532 with only Software
  5. Understand contactless smart cards using ACR122U reader writer. Software Only
  6. Understand contact smart cards using ACR39u reader writer. Software Only

If you don't have ACR122u then please buy that from ebay and later buy this software.

This software is useful for students, hobbyist and professional. NFC and RFID are becoming a buzz words these days. Most mobile phones comes with NFC reader writer and PC based RFID reader writer are becoming very popular and cheaper. 

At present the software recognizes only following tags. 

  • Mifare Classic 1K/4K
  • Mifare Ultralight, Ultralight C and Ultralight EV1 ( Both 64 and 128 bytes card)
  • NTAG 203, 210,212,213,215 and 216
  • Mifare Desfire EV1 2K/4K/8K ( At present only ISO IEC 7816-4 commands and limited  authentication is supported)
  • Topaz 96/512 
  • SRIX4K ( without authentication)
  • SRI512
  • NTAG210u
  • UID Changeable Tags
  • Mifare Classic EV1 1k/4k personalisation
  • Mifare Classic MAD
As and when I add more tags your software will get updates automatically. 

Even though ACR122u comes with its own software and SDK, it is targeted towards software developers. I have made a windows application that makes learning RFID much easier than before. 

* Note : ACR122u reader writer does not support ISO15693 protocol, hence you cannot use tags like TI, SLI, SLIX etc. I have a different software for ISO15693 tags that runs on PN5180 reader.

 Return Policy

  • Please see my introduction video in youtube and decide whether or not this software is any good to you.
  • Because this is a software component, I shall accept return only if you have not installed and not activated the license key.