Handmade Rainstick - Captivating Nature Sounds

handmade rain stick Designed to replicate the calming sound of falling rain, this instrument is a work of art that brings the serenity of the great outdoors right into your home.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rainstick features an elongated, hollow cylinder design, reminiscent of the traditional rainsticks used by indigenous cultures. Its exterior is adorned with a mesmerizing array of vibrant colors and intricate patterns, making it a visual delight as well as an aural marvel.

Inside the rain stick, you'll discover a carefully constructed maze of wooden balls and seeds. As you gently tilt and turn the rainstick, these elements cascade through the maze, creating the soothing sound of raindrops hitting the earth.

Handcrafted with precision to replicate the sound of falling rain.

Elongated hollow cylinder design for an authentic aesthetic.

Vibrant colors and intricate patterns adorn the exterior. This rainstick is handcrafted by Peruvian artisans in the Amazon jungle.

Measure 14  inches .