I'm Being Good is a band from Brighton, UK. The band formed in 1989 and have been through a number of line-ups in their 20-year lifespan, sharing band members with Huggy Bear, Comet Gain, Hey Colossus, Sloath, The Oedipus, Cat On Form, Pine Forest, Small Things, The Go! Team, Deepkiss 720, Lure-Luxx, 100 Pets, Milche Grande, Jovian, Three Bridges, Drum Eyes, The Vitamin B12 and others along the way. After the departure of long-term band member David Ewan Campbell, after 2005 album "Family Snaps",  to drum in stoner/doom supergroup Sloath the current line-up remains a trio of Andrew Clare, Tom Barnes and Stuart O'Hare.