These specimens are fragments of a viking axe head dating to 900 CE. The axe head was restored in the 1960s using the techniques of the time, which tended to focus on the beauty of the finished object as opposed to stabilizing and preserving the material. We worked closely with blacksmith Kerry Stagmer and the smiths of Baltimore Knife & Sword to prepare the material for inclusion by removing modern weld material so that only the original Norse metal remained.

The visual appearance of a tiny axe head is the result of many hours of work at MMHQ. Each fragment is enclosed in an acrylic specimen jar held within a handsome, glass-topped riker box case measuring 4 1/2" x 3 1/2". A small information card is also included, which also serves as the certificate of authenticity.

More than 1200 years ago the Vikings left the fjords of modern Scandinavia and set out sea. Today, nearly every country in Europe has a story to tell of the Viking expansion, and the complex history of their many societies is slowly being rediscovered.

This specimen is a fragment of a Viking axe head dating to 900 CE. The axe head was restored in the 1960s using the techniques of the time, which tended to focus on the beauty of the finished object as opposed to stabilizing and preserving the material.

Please Note: The Classic Riker Box Specimens are all unique as we crafted each one here from the original material salvaged from the axes. You should still use caution when handling these specimens. Edges can be sharp and the material may flake.