On your attention...

Ladies and Gentlemen, i present you this lot of 4 small weaving loom's parts (pulleys) from XIX-XX. Made in Bulgaria (Eastern Europe) from different type of wood. Dear buyers, this is not a reproduction or an item made from recycled wood! This is a real object with history and real traces from usage and aging. Collectible items, for home decoration or some kind of art projects - just use your imagination...
Dear buyers, if you have a question about this item please contact me.

Dimensions (H x W x D): about 15 cm (6 inches). Weight: 0.300 kg ( 0.66 lbs )

Shipping info:
If you purchased two or more items, please be patient and WAIT FOR MY INVOICE before sending payment.

The delivery time takes up to 30 business days worldwide from the same working day. It can vary depending on holidays and which services is used. Dear customers, please do not open a case before this period.