BLACK Truffle Mycelium Spores Tuber melanosporum - 100 grams

Fruiting body (a modified apothecia) is underground, tuberous,
round or irregularly shaped, 3-9 cm in diameter

Surface is dark brown, and later becomes coal-black, with pressure turns a rusty color
Covered with numerous minor irregularities with 4-6 faces

Flesh is firm, at first light, gray or pinkish-brown with white or reddish marble pattern on the cut,
darkens with age of the dispute and it becomes dark-brown to black-violet streaks in it are preserved

Has a very strong characteristic aroma and pleasant taste with a hint of bitter

Cultivation Instructions:


It is recommended to make a mushroom plantation in the period of May to August. Young trees (oak, beech, walnut) should grow on the plot. Soil for houseplants with

high peat content is used as compost for mushroom cultivation.


Cultivation and Handling:

1. Dig 3 holes 10 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep around the selected tree trunk.


2. Half-fill the holes with compost, then place pieces of mycelium (1/3 bag per 1 hole). Fill compost to the ground level and stamp down tight.


3. Cautiously and slowly pour 1 liter of water into each hole. Then moisten the soil around the holes — a bucket per each hole.


4. Cover the holes with a layer of moss, leaf litter and branches.


5. If there is no rain, the plantation should be moistened in summer at regular intervals.



The first fruiting occurs on year 3-6 after sowing, and the plantation should be tended all this time. The artificially interplanted spawn bears fruit for 25-30 years.



7-10 pcs can be picked under one tree in a year. Store a closed bag in a dry cool place, e.g. in a refrigerator, at positive temperature.


Many countries has specific Phytosanitary regulations,
some countries may restrict imports of plant goods, including seeds.
Please be aware that import customs clearance is your responsibility and it is beyond of our control.
- Seeds are organically grown, DO NOT contain GMO elements.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.