Androgen Deficiency and Testosterone Replacement: Current Controversies and Strategies

Hellstrom, Wayne J.G.
Springer, Berlin
154 pages; X, 154 p.; 243 x 176 x 15 mm
Reihe / Serie
Current Clinical Urology
EUR 160,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Androgen Deficiency and Testosterone Replacement
This book covers the diagnosis and treatment of men with low testosterone, and examines controversies in the identification and management of these men. Offers basic information on testosterone replacement and reasoned analysis of surrounding controversies.

Androgen Deficiency and Testosterone Replacement: Current Controversies and Strategies explores the difficulties around the diagnosis and treatment of androgen deficiency. The text examines the available evidence concerning the diagnosis and treatment of men with low testosterone. It also examines controversies in the identification and management of these men. While the information contained within will be of use to those who specialize in androgen deficiency and sexual medicine, the scope of the book will serve as a source of basic information about testosterone replacement and as a source of reasoned analysis of the controversies surrounding testosterone replacement in the aging male. Physicians and physician extenders will be able to apply evidence management principles to the evaluation and treatment of men with testosterone deficiency; supported by the most recent practice guidelines available. The authors represent a select group of physicians with expertise in androgen deficiency and replacement.

Androgen Deficiency and Testosterone Replacement: Current Controversies and Strategies will be of great value to all physicians and physician extenders who deliver health care to men of all ages.

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