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''Magic Ribbon'' is a specifically designed Lyapko applicator
It features numerous movable needle elements due to which the belt can be uniformly or selectively attached to the parts of the body that are quite different in size (perimeter), thus many times increasing the action zone and ensuring free movement (mobility). 
 Large action zone, active participation of practically all acupuncture points of the area treated in the recuperation process, adjustable pressure against surfaces, a possibility to move freely during a treatment session without a risk of damaging skin. 

Magic Ribbon Applicator Belt is an efficient means of eliminating pain, normalizing blood flow in cases of blood vessels disorders in extremities (varicosity, endarteritis, angiopathy), it improves microcirculation and trophism, eliminates lymph stasis, actively fights cellulites and obesity. 

When the needle elements are moved like stones of the abacus, there appear several variants of action on the human body as far as efficiency and intensity of treatment are concerned: 
1. Harmonized action is conducted by means of even “bandaging” of extremities or certain segments of the trunk. 
2. Concentrated action is carried out by shifting maximum number of the needle elements of the ribbon towards each other on the minimal length in order to treat the required zones. 
3. Diffused action is achieved by shifting the needle elements away from each other on the ribbon and attaching them to the trouble zones or to the zone of biologically active points, leaving some areas of the ribbon vacant. 
4. Selective action is carried out by moving the needle elements towards each other, thus concentrating them in one zone and de-concentrating elsewhere. 

If necessary, action zones can be changed without removing the applicator. 
Duration of action depends on the status of the pathological process involved: 
- in case of acute forms of illnesses – 10 to 15 minutes, 1-2 times a day; 
- in case of chronic forms of illnesses – 20-50 minutes, 1-3 times a day.

Magic Ribbon Health belt 4,3 Ag 
Applicator “Health magic ribbon” is very elastic and sparing the skin ribbon with fixed “cells” of needles. Taping the ribbon can be done either under the medical supervision or by yourself in home conditions. The increased coverage area has a unique healing effect upon the body in the healing process of almost all acupuncture points of the treated area. The feeling of lightness, warmth and relaxation occurs after taping the applicator with full restoration of strength and energy of the body.

Magic Ribbon Health belt 4,3 Ag (1, 5 segment). Elastic ribbon 3,1 meters long with bandage rubber and 2,2 meters without bandage rubber, 22 mm wide. The distance between needles is 4.3 mm. The ribbon comprises of 5 segments. Segment is the part of the ribbon 44 cm approximately. Each ribbon comprises of working part (with needles) and bandage rubber (without needles) for soft ribbon fixation on body.

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