The Green Cure: How shinrin-yoku, earthing, going outside, or simply opening a window can heal us

Paperback / Softback
Peck, Alice
Ryland Peters & Small
144 pages; 100 col photographs and artworks; 235 x 190 x 15 mm
Heilung / Heilen; Ratgeber, Naturerleben; Ratgeber, Outdoor; Ratgeber, nature, forest bathing, trees, outside, outdoors,
EUR 17,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
NEUWARE - Tagesaktueller, sicherer und weltweiter Versand. Rechnung legen wir bei.
The Green Cure

Discover how going outdoors and spending time in nature, from forest bathing to a walk in the park, provides a simple and powerful way to improve your health and wellbeing.

Discover how going outdoors and spending time in nature, from forest bathing to a walk in the park, provides a simple and powerful way to improve your health and wellbeing.

What we all know on an intuitive level is a scientific truth: the simple act of going outside is good for us - really good for us. It has been shown to have a positive effect on a huge number of health conditions and issues, from diabetes to depression, anxiety to arteriolosclerosis. Down-to-earth and relevant, The Green Cure shows you that you don't need a lot of fancy equipment or holidays to heal your body and mind. An afternoon stroll among trees in the park, a dip in the ocean or sinking your bare feet in the mud might change your life! Each chapter combines anecdotes and literature alongside recent medical and scientific discoveries to show how nature can heal us. The book also includes 'prescriptions' for how to use the information in realistic, easy ways, so you, too, can enjoy the beneficial shift within that simply going outdoors can bring you.

Mixing science with natural law, this book highlights myriad ways in which nature  holds the answer to our health - with endless practical suggestions for those keen to get outside more, alongside advice for inviting the outside in. - Psychologies

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