Mystic Merlinite (also known as Indigo Gabbro) is made up of Quartz, Feldspar, and multiple trace minerals. It is black and white in color with occasional spots of chatoyancy due to the feldspar within it. Indigo hues can also be found within this stone. It has been found in Madagascar and forms when magma cools into crystalline formations.

❤️allows you to see and communicate with nature spirits. Carrying it is thought to open metaphysical abilities, strengthen one’s connection to to the elemental realms, and heal past life karma, clearing a channel to our higher self.❤️This magical stone also shields against EMF pollution, firmly grounding the soul into the body. Mystic Merlinite is high in energy, making it a strong choice for those seeking to raise their natural intuition, clear their aura, or protect themselves from negative energies.