Year : 2023  New last sheet  -   Sheet  inserted into a card 2 shutters, issue limited! 
Dimension in mm - L = Length - l = width
Folded board with 2 shutters L: 210 x 100
Souvenir Sheet: 200 x 95

France Souvenir Sheet 2023 Orient Express railway

According to our latest sales, these souvenir sheets from France are increasingly trendy and sought after!

The stamp symbolizes a trip aboard the Orient-Express... as in a dream. The locomotive emits white smoke characteristic of trains of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the night, she passes in front of a mountainous landscape that takes the profile of a women face peacefully asleep... as in a dream.

A crescent moon illuminates the scene, evoking the East. The Pullman cars, although they did not travel on the 1st Orient-Express, are part of the Orient-Express myth in the collective imagination. The interior of a lounge car in art-deco style illustrates the cover... the dream continues... the trip leaves to see through the window Paris then Constantinople. On the left, a detail of a panel decorated by the famous master glassmaker René Lalique. The folio background evokes the inaugural journey of the Orient-Express from Paris (the Eiffel Tower) to Constantinople (Hagia Sophia) via Vienna (City Hall) and Budapest (the parliament)

Souvenir sheet of a single stamp of the artist precursor of the new digital philatelic art, a new wave breaking on the philatelic planet with French illustrators in peak, very sought after!

Non contractual photo

Gummed souvenir sheet without subscription and reservation, not sold in post office. Inserted in a 2-part card!
Limited and confidential distribution, issue small : 25 000.