Product Description

Aerial Silk Moves Made Easy with Grip-iT Hand Grip Spray

The key to successful Aerial Silks is to make something very difficult look effortless. A firm Grip while performing on your Silks, Silk Swing or Aerial Hoops is key to success. Even Better, Grip-iT Hand Grip Spray will not stain your silks. Whether you use a Yoga Trapeze, Aerial Hammock or Aerial Swing use Grip-iT Hand Grip Spray for confidence & safety.

Make Grip-iT Your Goto Gamer Grip Solution!

Hours of Videogaming can cause serious Sweaty Hands as well as hand fatigue. These factors all resulting in poor Gamer Grip. This is why you need Grip-iT Hand Grip Spray. A few sprays rubbed in thoroughly will enable a firm grip without leaving the nasty hand chalk residue that you get from other grip solutions. Make Grip-iT part of your Gaming Accessories Today!

Use Grip-iT Hand Grip Spray for better grip for Pole Fitness!

Have you just taken up Pole Dancing and realized how difficult it is to keep a Firm Pole Grip? You need to try the Ultimate Pole Grip Aid! Spray a healthy amount of Grip-iT onto your hands & allow your hands to dry. That extra Pole Tac will make your Pole Dance moves that much easier to perform. Make Grip-iT an essential part of your Pole Dance Accessories today!

Toss your Bowling Rosin Bags! Try Grip-iT for better Bowling Grip!

Every Serious Bowler knows that a 30+ Frame Bowling Night can take a serious toll on your Bowling Grip. Not only might you be dealing with hand fatigue, you can also have sweaty hands that can ruin a perfect Bowling Game! Spray Grip-iT on your Bowling Hand before games and practice. Wait until your hands dry then watch the Bowling Ball Spin like it has has never before. Make Grip-iT an essential part of your Bowling Accessories Today!

Better Grip for your Paddle Ball Rackets!

Playing a heated Pickleball Match Midsummer can really affect your Racket Grip! Sweaty Hands as well as hand fatigue will take its toll on your Pickleball Game! Spray Grip-iT on the Overgrip of your Pickle Ball Paddle as well as your hands for better Pickleball Overgrip when you need it the most!

Spray Grip-iT over your Tennis Raquet Grip to make the Difference with the Tennis Match on the line!

Is your Tennis Racket Overgrip wearing down? Before matches or Tennis Training Sessions Spray Grip-iT over your worn Raquet Overgrip and you will immediately have a firm grip to get you through your Tennis Match. Grip-iT when used in conjuction with Tennis Racket Tape will take your Tennis Game to the next level!