Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum, AKA Hurricane Palm."The smallest of the three varieties of Dictyosperma is native only to tiny Round Island in the Indian Ocean. It has a short, stout trunk and a prominent, pale crownshaft. The arching leaves form a dense, full crown. The tips of the leaflets are joined together by almost persistent reins running along the edge of the leaf and making this variety immediately recognizable. It grows steadily given a sunny position and adequate water and feed, and will succeed in tropical, subtropical, and some warm temperate areas. Probably the most cold hardy of all Dictyosperma, smallest in stature. You will receive 1 Dictyosperma album var conjugatum in a 7cm square by 20cm deep grow pot. I do all my postings on Monday. Express post. You will receive a tracking number once posted. These will be ready to pot up or put in the ground, mulch well and water to establish. In a part sun position.