Welcome to my listing for a Box of Mixed Rough Crystals, this box is ideal as a starter set and includes 12 crystals from this list. These are high grade crystals from Brazil and include 12 from the list, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, clear Quartz, Sodalite, obsidian , Green Quartz, Red Jasper, Jasper, orchid calcite, amazonite and Orange and blue Calcite.The measurements for the box are around 21 cm by 13 cm and the average weight of the gift box is around 900 g. Each crystal varies in size and the average size comes up as 5 cm by 3 cm. Disclaimer, crystals, minerals and tumblestones are not a substitute for medical advice and all ailments or health problems should be dealt with by a medical professional as there is no scientific evidence to suggest they can cure ailments. They can work on your energy and information is based on folklore and traditional uses

The gift box would make an excellent Christmas present for anyone interested in collecting rocks, fossils, and minerals. The crystals' natural beauty and energy are perfect for those who enjoy meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices. The box contains an assortment of quartz crystals, making it ideal for those who are interested in this particular type of crystal.