Air Gun Barrel Cleaning Kit. .177 or .22 , 2 packets of 28 double thick Wads, 58mm x 40mm that are dry, one needs to be impregnated with WD40, or other cleaning fluid.
It might be easier with the modulator unscrewed, but if left on use a plastic straw to help guide the nylon down the barrel 
Very easy to use, feed nylon gut down the barrel, loop with black sleeve on, NOT the ends with loops to enable you to pull on. This has now been modified with a dowel to make it easier. When it comes out the end where, you put the pellet in, feed ONE piece of double felt wad in the loop & pull up the barrel. I do this 3 times with WD40/cleaner on & 3 times with a dry wad, then fire a few shoots, the wads can be used over & over again, do not discard them until they are really black with pellet dust.
I do this after 3 x 500 pellets or after a long time not used, all info is to try help anybody out. Not a manufactured item made by myself. Please read all feedbacks, can’t please everyone, but I try to.
Best .177 pellets I use are Superdome, Field Line, in my Weihrauch HW100. Contact me if any problem prior to leaving any feedback.
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