Champagne Topaz * November Birthstone

Semi-Precious Silica Mineral • Thomas Range, Utah

The Offering:  

You will receive a beautiful specimen of translucent topaz crystal collected from Topaz Mountain located on the south end of the Thomas Range.  Champagne topaz is the traditional November birthstone, a symbol of friendship, and is also our state gemstone here in Utah You will receive a specimen selected from the flat that is pictured in this listing.  You stone will be similar to (if not exactly like)  those pictured in the photographs and will arrive in the jewel case pictured, mounted with jewelers putty.  Additionally, you will  be the first owner of this mineral.

Basic Information:

Topaz is a silicate mineral with the chemical formula Al2SiO4(F, OH)2. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, and its crystals are mostly prismatic typically terminated by pyramidal faces. It is one of the hardest naturally occurring minerals (an 8 on Mohs hardness scale) and is the hardest of any of the silicate minerals. This hardness combined with its transparency and variety of colors makes it ideal for use in jewelry as a cut gemstone.

Collecting Location: 

Topaz Mountain is an extinct volcano located in the west desert of Utah in Juab County, about 50 miles from the town of Delta. The crystals that come from this location are naturally amber colored, but become colorless after exposure to sunlight and it is important to be mindful of that fact if you are fond of the color. The lava that produced the volcano is called rhyolite, a silica rich rock and the topaz formed in cavities and openings of the rock called vugs.  The volcano was produced six to seven million years ago, during the Tertiary Period, and has been dormant since its formation which is somewhat reassuring as you climb around and look for crystals at one of several mining locations that are open to the public.  

Metaphysical and Healing Properties

For thousands of years the mere mention of Topaz has conjured thoughts of opulence and luxury, influence and generosity, vibrancy and strength. To possess one brings true love and fidelity, friendship, and a gentle nature, bestowing the gifts of courage and wisdom, and success in all endeavors. Its energy, harnessed from the sun, transcends both time and space, and is one of the most loving, beneficial crystals one can gift to the Self. Topaz is highly effective for affirmations and visualization, meditation and projection, and is an excellent talisman for discerning Divine wisdom and connecting to the heavenly realm.

Mineral Properties

Category Nesosilicate minerals

Formula Al2SiO4(F, OH)2

Strunz Class 9.AF.35

Crystal system Orthorhombic

Crystal class Dipyramidal (mmm) 

H-M symbol: (2/m 2/m 2/m)

Space group Pbnm

Unit cell a = 4.65 Å, b = 8.8 Å, 

c = 8.4 Å; Z = 4


Color Champagne/Sherry

Crystal habit Prismatic crystals with faces striated parallel to long dimension; 

also columnar, compact, massive

Cleavage [001] Perfect

Fracture Subconchoidal to uneven

Mohs scale 8 (defining mineral)

Luster Vitreous

Streak White

Diaphaneity Transparent

Specific gravity 3.49–3.57

Optical properties Biaxial (+)

Refractive index nα = 1.606–1.629

nβ = 1.609–1.631

nγ = 1.616–1.638

Birefringence δ = 0.010

Pleochroism Weak in thick sections 

X = yellow; Y = yellow, violet, reddish; Z = violet, bluish, yellow, pink

UV Fluorescence Short UV=golden yellow; Long UV=cream