Leone Kuhne was raised on a ranch in the Southwest Gila Wilderness ninety miles from the nearest town. Since she lived a part of the Old West in her early youth, the drama of the Western Frontier is predominant in her tile works. When Leone moved to Tucson in 1952, she had already established herself as an artist but had set it aside to raise her four children. In Tucson, Leone became well known for her portraits. Many hang in the banks, hospitals, and public buildings in the area. One of her major commissions was doing 21 portraits of famous sports figures for the Sports Hall of Fame in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During the 70s and 80s, she painted a series of portraits dedicated to the native American Indian. Several of these were produced as limited edition lithographs.

Leone also became well known for her sculpturing in turquoise and her bronzes. In 1982, she was commissioned to do a silver sculpture of a famous golfer for the Tournament Players Association in Ponte Vedra, Fla. During the 1980s, Leone started to apply her talents to tile art. Throughout the years, she has developed a following of collectors of her work. She is most pleased to be able to see her designs done in mural form, knowing that they will be here long after all of us are gone. Leone's bronzes, carvings, paintings, and tile works are a tribute to the hardships and brave fortitude of the Pioneers and Native Americans alike.

Leone passed on in February 1999.