Copy monument in city  Leningrad - Peterburg  

Sculpture of Pavlov Russian Nobel laureate, psychologist, physiologist.USSR

In Koltushi, a suburb of St. Petersburg, is located the Institute of Physiology. I.P. Pavlova. The Koltushi development project was carried out by the same I.F. Bezpalov, who had a successful experience of cooperation with I. Pavlov. In 1935, the XV International Physiological Congress (IFC) was held in the Soviet Union (Leningrad-Moscow). And of course, the IFC participants could not help but visit Koltushi - "the capital of conditioned reflexes." Curiously, for the banquet for the congress participants, the chefs made a chocolate dog. Naturally, it is in Koltushi that the monument to I.P. Pavlov. But not everything is so simple in the history of its installation. In 1938, the Presidium of the Leningrad City Council instructed the Architectural and Planning Department, together with the Department of Arts, to determine the location for the installation of the monument to I.P. Pavlov. Square was chosen. Lassalle (now - Arts Square). The installation date was also determined - 1942. But ... The war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War - all this could not but affect the timing. And again, the Leningrad City Executive Committee returned to the issue of installing the monument only in 1949. By this moment, the sculptor V.V. Lishev made a sculptural image of I.P. Pavlova with a dog standing next to him. Vsevolod Vsevolodovich Lishev (1877, St. Petersburg -1960, Leningrad) - People's Artist of the USSR (1957), full member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1942). In addition to the monument to I.P. Pavlov in Koltushi in Leningrad, his other works were installed: monuments to D.I. Mendeleev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, A.S. Griboedov, N.A. Nekrasov, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The opening of the monument was to be timed to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of I.P. Pavlova. But ... Another but ... 1949, the "Leningrad case", and the new leadership of the city was not up to celebrating the anniversary. And then - political campaigns in biology. And a monument to I.P. Pavlov was only in 1951. But not in Leningrad, but in Koltushi, on the territory of the Institute of Physiology. I.P. Pavlova.