Hellgate Keep, originally founded as Ascalhorn, was an ancient elven city on the northeast edge of the High Forest. It was a haven for elves and humans, known for its fair citadel. However, dark times befell the city. Demonic forces overtook it, and in 1369 DR, Hellgate Keep was eventually destroyed. The site of its ruins came to be known as Hellgate Dell1.

The Keep was perched atop the peak of Ascal’s Horn, along the river Skull Creek, which fed into the larger Delimbiyr River. After an explosion caused by the Gatekeeper’s Crystal, wild magic regions lingered throughout the area. Magical flight was impossible due to the dead-magic zones created by the explosion. Two miles south of the Keep lay Hellgate Dell, a 70-foot tall crag of debris flung during the Keep’s destruction. Over time, it became overgrown with moss and shrubs. Treants guarded the area, surrounded by a ring of large oak trees. The southern cliff outcrop had a wide rift known as Razorthorn Rift. Grintharke’s Gulch, a central ravine, was also formed by the crystal’s destructive power1.

In the years following its fall, Hellgate Keep became a place of legend, fear, and adventure. Heroes and adventurers would delve into its depths, seeking forgotten secrets, battling demons, and uncovering the tragic history of this once-proud citadel. The name “Hellgate Keep” still sends shivers down the spines of those who dare to speak it aloud2.