vintage bottle witchcraft magic ritual potion witch altar wicca pumkin halloween
The kit consists of 3 empty jars, for decorative purposes.
In addition to them, it will be sent the custom formula to create a magic potion dedicated to the Halloween/Samhain holiday. 
Each magic potion must be kept inside a specific container that can preserve its powers and strengthen them by preventing them from dispersing and vanishing with time.
The shape and the decorations of a potion container have the same importance as the ingredients used for the realization of the potion itself as well as the precise execution of the rituals aimed at creating it. 
Therefore, the container should be chosen with prudence and not randomly. 
The ideal would be that it is specially created and loaded with symbolic values attuned to the energies of the content. 
This kit is created by Amira of Transylvania within a similar scenario respecting the ancient rules of arcane. 

The main symbols in the kit are:
  • the three: magic number a little in all cultures;
  • pumpkins;
  • the colors: orange, black, green.

The kit consists of three glass jars that have the following dimensions:
  • height: cm 17 (6.7 inches), diameter of cm 5 (2 inches);
  • height: cm 15 (5.9 inches), diameter of cm 6 (2.4 inches);
  • height: cm 12 (4.7 inches), diameter of cm 6.5 (2.6 inches).

  • glass,
  • polymeric clay,
  • ecological, non-toxic colors.


The Vase is a unique product handmade by Amira Munteanu Bergmann in her magical laboratory in Milan (Italy), thus it is unrepeatable and there can never be another identical. 
Being a work completely (from the concept to the creation of the small sculptures enriching it, from the coloring to the decoration of its various parts) signed by Amira di Transilvania, is a 100% Made in Italy product. 
For its realization it took 17 hours of work.
Moreover, having been inspired by a philosophy of complete respect for the environment in the choice of materials that compose it starting from the base containers in recycled glass, it is also 100% ecological.


Since the set is produced in a handicraft way, Amira di Transilvania can customize the various parts WITHOUT additional costs according to the needs and desires of the individual buyer.


As a unique piece, a small work of art, the customer will receive the set accompanied by a certificate-guarantee that attests: 
  • its registration in Amira di Transilvnia's Archive,
  • its number of accomplishments,
  • the 100% Italian brand, 
  • 100% Italian manufacture,
  • 100% ecological and sustainable processes,
  • the buyer's name.


Amira di Transilvania” is a 100% made in Italy brand and monobrand shop. Both of them are signed by Amira Munteanu Bergmann, artist, actress and entrepreneur as well as passionate and curious researcher, scholar and collector of any kind. 

All Amira di Transilvania products are covered by copyright. 
Thus the reproduction, even if partial, of them and of their images is forbidden. 
Any violation of intellectual property will be sanctioned in accordance with the law. 
“Amira di Transilvania” brand has no dealer around the world. All its products are sold only and exclusively in its real and virtual stores.

Amira di Transilvania evaluates Made in Italy craftsmanship, talent and workforce of Creatives and Designers who work by hand in Italy, in a sustainable and ecological way. This it re-evaluates local production and fights against the mass consumerism brands that, exploiting external labor, loose control of product quality. 
No product in Amira di Transilvania shop have been purchased elsewhere and resold! 
All the production from A-Z is fully signed AMIRA DI TRANSILVANIA. 
Its main goal is cusomer’s needs and desires complete satisfaction.

All the products in Amira di Transilvania shop are 100% responsibile, sustainable, handmade in Italy. 
Accordingly, its productions are customized, in limited editions and limited series, entirely handmade, drawn, designed, painted, cut and modeled by hand in ecological and eco-sustainable materials. 
For this reason there will never be two perfectly alike objects. Each product is unique and accompanied by a certificate of guarantee and originality with an archive number and the name of the customer! 
Amira di Transilvania shop respects all the criteria of environmental sustainability, craftsmanship and uniqueness, therefore. of real LUXURY 100% MADE IN ITALY.

At no additional cost one can order his/her own personalized, unique and unrepeatable art object, dedicated only to him/her and made in a short time according to his/her indications and requests. 
Including the personalized gift box. 
Amira di Transilvania also provides its customers with interesting gift ideas. 
It is able to satisfy all the needs!

CONTACT it to get Amira di Transilvania FREE consultation.