This is a lot of the following POLKA records:

Tell me you Love Me Waltz / Yes Sir. You're My Baby Polka - The Keytones - Bel Aire Records
Lovebird Polka / Kiss me Sweetheart Polka - Wanda and Stephanie - Bel Aire Records
Please Come Back Polka / Oom Pah Pah Oberek - Paliga Polka Dots - Bel Aire Records
My Polish Lover Polka / Knock Knock Polka - Wanda & Stephanie - Bel Aire Records
Best Wishes Polka / Sad Girl Waltz - Richie Gomulka and Paliga  Polka Dots - Bel Aire Records
Janina / There Will Come a Time - the Polish Brass - Bel Aire Records
Golden Star Polka /Wooden Heart - Dick Kossins Orchestra - Bel Aire Records
Good Evening Polka/ Mountaineer Music Polka - Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones - Bel Aire Records
Ten Pin Polka / We'll Play for you Polka - The Tones - Ampol Records