Advanced Diagnostics Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep Bypass Cable ADC2011 for SMART Pro.

This cable has been designed to interface almost all automotive transponder programmers that have the capability of prgramming 2018+ Chrysler vehicles. It functions by intercepting your programmer's CAN high and low signals and passing them though the attached probes. Depending on your plan of attack, you can tap the CAN wires directly in the STAR module, in the vehicle instrument cluster or at the wires which transport the information between the STAR module and the immobilizer. The OBD throughput will feed 12V back to your programmer to keep it charged if that feature is supported by your machine.

Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep 2018 + Universal Programming Cable has been certified.

How to use:

1. Plug the main cable of your programmer of choice into the female OBD port of the adapter.

2. Locate the star module on the vehicle. Location varies from model to model.

3. Locate the plastic green strip with white cables plugged into it. Probe your red (CAN HI) into the green cable of the first plugin, and the black (CAN LO) into the yellow wire.


Plug in the Star connector.

4. Use your programmer of choice to select by vehicle or system type and program like normal.

Note: The male OBD of the adapter is optional. Its only purpose is to pull power. If your machine is battery operated, the male OBD is unnecessary


- OBD2 Cable is 3ft long

- Starlink connector is around 28inch long

- Probes are around 6inch adapter

How the Brute Force Cable works:

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