This DOCTOR WHO fanzine is "Dr Who: An Adventure in Space & Time 68" and is 12 pages. 

From Fanlore:  The legendary early Doctor Who fanzine, Doctor Who: An Adventure in Time and Space. Created by Doctor Who experts including Jeremy Bentham, Gary Russell, John Peel, and Stephen James Walker, each issue discussed a different episode. The earliest version of the detailed episode analyses that Jeremy Bentham later expanded in Doctor Who Magazine, these issues also featured some excellent fan art.

Issues were not numbered, but given a production letter for each episode. Included in the issues in this auction are serials W-AA, "The Massacre," "The Ark," "The Celestial Toymaker," "The Gun Fighters," and "The Savages." Many of the early episodes of series were lost or destroyed, so it gives an insight on many of them. Each issue has a Drama Extract (an illustrated highlight from the episode told in story form); a synopsis; a review; an analysis of one feature of the story such as the alien race, the characters, the writer, etc. (often written by Jeremy Bentham or John Peel or Gary Hopkins); technical observations about recording; and an extensive list of credits. In addition to the fan artwork that illustrates the covers and the highlight, there are photographs.

These early issues were hole-punched loose leaf to be collected in a two-ring binder, with card covers and closely spaced text. Each issue features interior art as well as the cover art (the fan artwork being one of their high points in my view along with the articles on special features in each issue). Each cover is a different color.

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