This is part of a large collection of 3D puzzles from my childhood that I’m currently sorting through to list to eBay.

This puzzle is open box and the foam pieces have been removed from their original packaging. The instruction manual is included. I can tell immediately that one of the paper cutouts is missing from this puzzle.

Before listing to eBay, I’ve recounted the pieces and believe all pieces to be present. However I don’t want to guarantee it’s complete, so please understand it may only be 98% complete and is being sold as-is. (That’s the roughest estimate I can give - recounting these puzzle pieces has taken much more time that I could have ever thought!)

Hand-counting this puzzle I did so incorrectly, not realizing that the corner pieces counted as two pieces (saw that on the back of the box after I counted)… which means the numbers written on the bags are wrong and explains the large discrepancy in pieces that appear to be missing.

A lot of these puzzles were originally purchased from eBay, preowned, the 10+ years ago that my parents bought them for me and may not have even been complete when I originally built them.

If you have any questions, feel free to message! Thanks for considering my store! :)