Garlic Powder

Everyone loves garlic powder because it can fix up just about anything! Your chicken burned? Throw on some garlic powder. Your potatoes a bit mealy? Garlic powder! Salad dressing unimpressive? Garlic. Powder.



Garlic Powder is a staple ingredient to have in your pantry. It makes for the most convenient way to add garlic flavor and aroma to just about anything. Powdered dried garlic has all the flavor of fresh garlic, but will not spoil and does not linger on fingers like fresh garlic on your breath. We’ve added this to marinades and rubs, but our favorite application is to fold it into cheddar-packed mornay sauces for mac and cheese. Another fave? A teaspoon of this added to whipped potatoes, the kind where there isn’t a lump to be found and you’ve melted in an entire stick of butter because that’s the kind of thing that makes life worth living.

Dare to be creative in the kitchen? Add a unique garlic flavor to your dish with our delicious roasted garlic powder.

Recommended Applications

Garlic Powder is great and easy to use for the full flavor of fresh garlic, without the lingering smell during preparation. A key ingredient in many cuisines such as those from the Middle East, Indian, Italy, Greece, Thailand, China and many other locations around the world.

Basic Preparation

Ready to use as is, no preparation is necessary. Garlic powder can be used along with other spices. A good rule of thumb: one teaspoon equals one clove of fresh garlic.

