Tobias Rehberger illy art collection 2010

Rehberger is inspired by the designs of this collection to the technique of camouflage fatigues, which curves, stripes, lights and colors come together and reflect on the porcelain, animating the surface of the cup with an optical illusion that makes the boundaries undefined.

Tobias Rehberger (Esslingen, 1966) is one of Germany’s most successful contemporary artists. He established his reputation during the 1990s, reinterpreting interiors and exteriors by using design, lighting and architecture to create new forms and new ways of engaging the public. Rehberger has exhibited at the Biennale exhibitions of Venice and Berlin, Manifesta in Luxembourg, the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art and the Palais of Tokyo in Paris.

the box is new and undamaged, everything on the inside is also new
hence the higher price, most boxes offered are ugly or damaged

for real collectors that is a plus if everything is in perfect condition