Designed with the intention to create a single chair that could accommodate both relaxation and productivity, Gravity is multifunctional without compromise. With its four angles, you are given room to alternate between postures ranging from kneeling to the fully reclined. Once seated, your body is constantly close to its balancing point, allowing the slightest shift of weight to bring you from one position to the next.

Leaning forward, Gravity can be used as a kneeling chair. Shift your weight slightly backwards for an upright position, placing your feet on either the floor or shin cushions for variation. To assume a reclined position, gently push away from the ground. The unparalleled feeling of defying gravity is achieved by leaning all the way back, to a fully reclined position where your legs are elevated above your heart. Here, the chair gently rocks in response to the rhythm of your breathing, allowing you to relax into weightlessness.

Unlike traditional recliners, lumbar support actually increases in the reclined positions. The space between the headrest and tilted backrest, provides freedom of movement for arms and shoulders. The headrest itself can be moved up or down, allowing you to find the setting that best suits your needs. Apart from this, Gravity is free from mechanical adjustment parts, a distinguishing characteristic found in several of Opsvik?s designs. This allows the body?s natural movements to determine where we go, ensuring smooth transitions from one position to another.

The wooden runners are made from layers of beech and ash plywood, which are laminated and given their robust qualities through the application of heat and pressure. This traditional wood-working technique allows for extreme shapes that endure continuous pressure, while simultaneously providing the flexibility needed to ensure a dynamic sitting experience.

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