The New SGP 30 Telco Sensors proximity light curtain has been successfully used in the board, paper and pulp and sawmill and industries where different shapes and lengths need to be detected. By using the SGP 30 users can create a compact wide coverage of beams so that the product being sensed will always be detected, no matter what shape size or form. The same system is being used by manufacturers for the detection of different log and box sizes.

The SGP30 is a diffuse proximity light curtain system housed in a sturdy aluminium profile housing multiple transmitter/receiver pairs that generate an array of channels.

It features a blanking function which is configurable using a control input to memorise the channels which detect an object (activated) during set-up, allowing those channels to be ignored when operation is resumed. Other features include:

• Discrete output is generated whenever one or more of the channels are activated.

• Distances ranging from 510 to 1980 mm and up to 40 channel pairs.

• Multiple transmitter/receiver channels in same profile, paired in horizontal axis.

• Channels operate in diffuse proximity mode over active zone of profile.

• Object is detected when emitted light from transmitter element is reflected back by an object to the paired receiver.