Rolleiflex 3.5F type 3 K4F # 2818304 w/ 6-element Zeiss PLANAR ottime condizioni.
Completo di tappi e cinghia originale
Esposimetro funzionante

ROLLEIFLEX 3,5 F Model 4 (K4F1)
Dal 1965 al 1976; matricole da 2800000 a 2844999.
Con questo modello vengono introdotte le nuove versioni con disegno a sei lenti dello Zeiss Planar 75 mm f 3,5 e dello Schneider Xenotar 75 mm f 3,5: il sesto elemento posteriore in vetro ottico colorato ha la funzione di migliorare la resa nell’uso di pellicole a colori. Il rivestimento della fotocamera non è più in pelle, ma in materiale sintetico; gli attacchi per la cinghia perdono la mezzaluna di metallo; sul lato della manopola di riavvolgimento e di riarmo appare il nuovo pannello sul quale, a richiesta, è possibile montare il selettore fra rulli 120 e 220.

Rolleiflex 3.5F type 3 K4F # 2818304 w/ 6-element Zeiss PLANAR excellent condition.
Complete with caps and original strap
Working exposure meter

ROLLEIFLEX 3.5 F Model 4 (K4F1)
From 1965 to 1976; serial numbers from 2800000 to 2844999.
With this model, the new versions with a six-lens design of the Zeiss Planar 75 mm f 3.5 and the Schneider Xenotar 75 mm f 3.5 are introduced: the sixth rear element in colored optical glass has the function of improving the performance in the use of color films. The camera covering is no longer made of leather, but of synthetic material; the strap attachments lose the metal crescent; on the side of the rewind and reset knob the new panel appears on which, upon request, it is possible to mount the selector between rollers 120 and 220.




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Questo è un libero contratto di compravendita che è proposto allecondizioni sopra specificate, se non si accettano questecondizioni NON formulare alcuna offerta. 


• This is asale by a private party, without any guarantee.

• There is NO return

I am forcedto put the formula "NO WARRANTY" because according to a new EuropeanCommunity regulation, even private individuals are required to provide aguarantee on the product sold if they do not exclude it at the time of sale.The type of guarantee requested is very onerous for a private individual andtherefore if you make offers it means that you explicitly accept the exclusionof any form of guarantee. Consequently, the proposed object, even iffunctional, is sold in the state in which it is found (AS IS) without explicitor implied guarantee.

This is afree sales contract which is proposed under the conditions specified above, ifyou do not accept these conditions DO NOT make any offer.