Gion A. Caminada. On the path to building: A conversation about architecture with Florian Aicher von Gion A. Caminada

Art Nr.: 303561542X
ISBN 13: 9783035615425
B-Nr: INF1000547290
SubTitle: A conversation about architecture with Florian Aicher
ReleaseYear: 2018
Published by: Birkhäuser Berlin
Edition: Taschenbuch
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 205x126x11 mm
Pages: 160
Weight: 265 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Gion A. Caminada

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Gion Caminada is well-known far beyond Switzerland's borders: as an architect, whose work is developed out of - and gives new life to - its context. The award-winning renewal of his native community of Vrin, the renaissance of the village of Valendas with its inn and village hall, the buildings in and around Disentis Abbey that contributed to the abbey's revival, and many more. He passes on his experience in his role as a professor of architecture and design at the ETH. His contribution to architecture is being presented at the 2018 Venice Biennale.
In this illustrated interview Gion Caminada tells of his path to building, of old villages, of working together with engaged citizens, and of the ideas that drive him forward in life.
Information of Author
Florian Aicher, architect and publicist, Rotis. Gion A. Caminada, architect and professor ETH, Zurich.
Information of Author:
Florian Aicher, architect and publicist, Rotis. Gion A. Caminada, architect and professor ETH, Zurich.