"Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" Stamp Sheet. War in Ukraine. 22.12.2023.

"Ukrainische Weihnachtslieder im Kiewer Höhlenkloster" Briefmarkenbogen. Krieg in der Ukraine. 22.12.2023.

«Ukrainian carols in Kyiv-Pechersk lavra»

On January 7, 2023, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphany held the Christmas service for the first time in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which ended with the performance of Ukrainian carols. This event was the restoration of historical justice, because the OCU is the legal successor of the ancient Kyiv Metropolitanate, which owned the shrine for more than 600 years since its foundation. In addition, the Ukrainian language has finally returned to one of the largest Christian centers of our country, which is a significant contribution to the preservation of the national and spiritual identity of every citizen. In honor of this achievement, and on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of the founding of the Dormition Cathedral, we present a new postal issue - "Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra". The history of the temple, built in 1073–1078, is dramatic, because over the centuries it underwent significant changes. At the beginning of the 18th century, after a catastrophic fire, it was transformed into a Baroque one, and in 1941 it was destroyed by an explosion. And only in 2000, the cathedral was solemnly consecrated after a two-year reconstruction. The stories of the postal edition, created by the artist Mykolai Kochubei, tell about the unique history of the main Lavra Cathedral: from its foundation to its restoration, about the traditions of monasticism, which were established by monks Anthony and Theodosius of Pecherskyi, as well as about the return of the shrine after many years of occupation. The set includes the postal block "Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra", cover  "First day. Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" and a postcard.


 "Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra": Ukrposhta will present the final postal issue of 2023.

On the eve of Christmas, on December 22, Ukrposhta put into circulation the final postal block of 2023 - "Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra".

The postal issue "Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" is dedicated to the historical event - the anniversary of the Christmas service held by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. We will remind that at the beginning of 2023, a Ukrainian prayer was heard in the Dormition Cathedral and the church of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersky with the Dining Room. Then Metropolitan Epiphany of Kyiv and All Ukraine conducted the first ever liturgy in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

The circulation of the block is 140,000 copies. The postal block consists of three stamps: "Assumption Cathedral. XVIII Art. (Kyiv)", "Give summers of happiness to our glorious Ukraine", "Assumption Cathedral. XVIII–XX centuries. (Kyiv)". When making the block, embossing with foil was applied. Denomination of stamps: X, F.

The author of the postal block, card, envelope "First Day" was the Honored Artist of Ukraine Mykolai Kochubei. The author of last year's issue "Schedryk. Carol of the Bells". The release was made with the assistance of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra National Reserve.

The central stamp of the block depicts carolers in festive Ukrainian folk costumes. The action takes place against the background of the main iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral, which is reproduced in the fields of the postal block. In the hands of boys and girls, an octagonal star is an indispensable traditional attribute of the Christmas caroling ceremony. A group of singers glorifies the birth of Christ, and Angels on their wings bring the sounds of the melody to the domes of the temple.

On both sides of the iconostasis are the founders of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra - Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk.

The building of the Assumption Cathedral is depicted on two other stamps. One stamp shows a temple, which is reproduced on the basis of a 1623 engraving from the book "Conversations of St. John Chrysostom". This is the first known image of the Assumption Cathedral that has survived to our days. Another stamp shows a modern temple. On both stamps we can see a traditional Ukrainian nativity scene with angels, princes, hetmans, carolers, triads of music and rudzhenes.



On 22.12.2023 postage block No. 200 “Ukrainian carols in the Kyiv-Pechersk lavra” of three stamps: No. 2067 “Assumption Cathedral. XVII century. (Kyiv)”, No. 2068 “Give happy years to our glorious Ukraine”, No. 2069 “Assumption Cathedral. XVIII-XX century. (Kyiv)” is issued.

Stamp No. 2067 “Assumption Cathedral. XVII century. (Kyiv)”.

Stamp No. 2068 “Give happy years to our glorious Ukraine”.

Stamp No. 2069 “Assumption Cathedral. XVIII-XX century. (Kyiv)”.

Size of the block – 153x141 mm.

Size of each stamp – 36,54x38,28 mm.

Face value of the stamp No. 2067 “Assumption Cathedral. XVII century. (Kyiv)” – X (for additional payment).

Face value of the stamp No. 2068 “Give happy years to our glorious Ukraine” – F (corresponds to the tariff of sending registered letter with weight up to 50 gr within Ukraine).

Face value of the stamp No. 2069 “Assumption Cathedral. XVIII-XX century. (Kyiv)” – X (for additional payment).

Printing run of the block – 140 000 copies.

Artist of the block, FDC, card – Mykolai Kochubei.

Inscription «Українські колядки в Києво-Печерській Лаврі», «Прп. Антоній Печерський», «Прп. Феодосій Печерський».

Block is multicolored; printing process – offset, foil embossing (gold).

Block is printed by SE “Integrated Printing Plant “Ukraina” for Production of Securities”.


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