Life Extension DHEA 25 mg, 100 dissolve-in-mouth tablets

Part Number:LEX-0607


DHEA Effective for:
  • Hormone Balance
  • Anti-Aging & Longevity
  • Bone Health
  • Immune Support
  • Men's Sexual Health Sexual Health
  • Women's Sexual Health
Promotes optimal hormone balance & overall health

The benefits of DHEA supplements include maintaining youthful levels of the hormone,
while also encouraging healthy immune function, cardiovascular health, healthy sexual function and more.

DHEA is the body's most abundant circulating hormone. But DHEA levels begin to decline over time. Supplementing with DHEA can help support healthy hormone levels and promote healthy immune function, circulatory health, healthy mood, lean muscle mass, sexual function and more.

Since levels of the DHEA hormone decline with age,

maintaining a youthful balance offers many health benefits.

DHEA Benefits

  • Maintains youthful DHEA hormone balance
  • Encourages healthy immune function & cardiovascular health
  • Helps support & maintain lean muscle mass
  • Promotes healthy mood, sexual function, well-being & more
DHEA Product Versions:
15 mg 100 Caps LEX-0454
25 mg 100 Caps SKU: LEX-0335
25 mg 100 Caps Dissolves in the Mouth Tabs SKU: LEX-0607 (this listing)
50 mg 60 Caps SKU: LEX-0882
100 mg 60 Caps SKU: LEX-1689

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