We R one Family - sewing sustainable children's fashion

A basic wardrobe made from organic fabrics. All models in size 92-146

Sustainable children's clothing in size. Sew 92-146 - also suitable for sewing beginners

With self-sewn fashion made from linen fabrics, muslin and lyocell, comfortable favorite pieces are created that cannot be bought! Boys and girls can play, learn and run around in a relaxed manner with the casual cuts for all situations. Pants, shirts, jumpsuits, culottes and dresses made from woven fabrics create a variable and individual basic wardrobe.

All Maria Rapp models are available in sizes 92 to 146 on two pattern sheets and are therefore suitable for children in kindergarten and primary school. Each model is explained in detail step by step and can be done even with little sewing experience.

Product details

Product number: 4867 |
Book |
112 pages |
Width 21.5cm |
Height 28.5cm
ISBN-13: 9783772448676 |
Publication date: January 18, 2021

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With self-sewn fashion made from linen fabrics, muslin and lyocell, comfortable favorite pieces are created that cannot be bought! Boys and girls can play, learn and run around in a relaxed manner with the casual cuts for all situations. Pants, shirts, jumpsuits, culottes and dresses made from woven fabrics create a variable and individual basic wardrobe. All Maria Rapp models are available in sizes 92 to 146 on two pattern sheets and are therefore suitable for children in kindergarten and primary school. Each model is explained in detail step by step and can be done even with little sewing experience. If you have placed several items in your shopping cart, please request the total invoice from us. You can check it again and if everything is OK, then pay first. This avoids time-consumin