Please judge the card's condition by the pictures provided!

Great price on this card, if you can find cheaper on ebay then we will MATCH THE PRICE!

We can do offers on any bundles, please contact us with whatever cards you're interested in and let's make a good deal.

ANY card sold for over £5, is sent with SLEEVE AND TOPLOADER

There are many postage options available, but take advantage of our free postage option, the more expensive cards for sale (£30+) are sent signed for/tracked 48, when buying more than one card, they will be sent all in one package for you.

Is this your team? Let us know which team / player you're looking for and we'll show you what we have subject to availability, we have a wide range or cards from notable sets, numbered, autos, base...

ALL CARDS are sent in a secure DO NOT BEND envelope, or in an envelope with bubble wrap inside it. Your card is safe regardless if they are toploaded or not!

For international shipping, please turn on eBay's GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM, it is a cheaper and 100% SAFER alternative than choosing the international shipping service, if you're confused, message us and we'll be happy to help.

If you want to check out our personal collection and follow our card page on instagram then feel free ( korscards )

ALL our cards are recorded by video when being packaged and secure, we recommend you to also record yourself opening the card when it arrives, this is to ensure we are both protected from scams!