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Oeuvre Plastique, 1953/54 exhibition poster, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, "Bull III" by Le Corbusier, 1953 - high resolution image in digital format 

This stunning poster features the work of famed artist Le Corbusier, showcasing his masterful blend of contemporary art and abstract design. The piece was originally produced in 1953 and is now available as a high-quality digital reproduction, perfect for art lovers and enthusiasts alike. The large size and handmade quality of this poster make it a true standout piece, sure to make a bold statement in any collection. Whether you're a fan of architecture, art, or simply appreciate beautiful design, this Le Corbusier poster is a must-have addition to your home or office.

Image size:  21x30 cm (12"x8") at 300 dpi ready to print
Supports up to 42x60 cm (24x16") in excellent resolution

Once the payment is made, we will contact to you to send you the file. 

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For the most visually impressive end results, we recommend using high-quality, thick paper (80lb / 220g or heavier) for printing. 
Thanks for choosing us.

Para obtener los resultados finales visualmente más impresionantes, recomendamos utilizar papel grueso de alta calidad (80 lb / 220 g o más pesado) para imprimir. 
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