Histoire Des OriginesDu Christianisme Livre Troisieme Qui Comprend Depuis Le Depart De Saint PaulPour Sa Premiere MissionJusqu'a L'Arrivee De Saint Paul A Rome Saint Paul ParErnest Renan Membre De L'Institut Avec Une Carte Des Voyages De Saint PaulPar M. Keipert , De L'Academie De BerlinMichel Levy Freres , EditeursParis ( France ) 1867Hardcover.Antique

5.75" x 8.75"(77) + 572 Pages.Folding Color Map of Saint Paul's Travels at the rear. 149 Years OldFrench language.The third book in the author's " Origins of Christianity " , this is a biography of Paul the Apostle ; his Missionary Journeys to Cyprus , Galatia , Rome , Macedonia , Athens , Greece , etc.Paul in Jerusalem , his captivity in Palestine , etc.The Introduction [ 70+ pages ] is a critical examination of Original Documents .The author, Ernest Renan (1823-1892), was a French philosopher, historian and critic; his influence was widespread.His two greatest works were on the “ Origins of Christianity ” and on the “ History of Israel .”They are noted for the delicacy and vividness of his portraits of the great personalities of Hebrew history , and the acuteness of his analysis of national psychology . ** Good Condition ** Some wear to the binding edges.The binding is otherwise very good.The covers are well attached.[ see the photos ]The inner hinges are secure. The pages are clean and in very good condition.

Biographical Information:Saint Paul the Apostle( born circa 10 A.D., died circa 67 A.D. )According to the Bible , [ Acts of the Apostles 9:30; 11:25; 22:3 ], Paul was born in Tarsus in Asia Minor , or modern-day Turkey , under the name Saul , a Jew , [ "an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised on the eighth day" Phil. 3:5 ].Paul , "The Apostle to the Gentiles " (Romans 11:13, Galatians 2:8) was, together with St. Peter, the most notable of Early Christian missionaries. Unlike the Twelve Apostles, Paul did not know Jesus in life; he came to faith through a vision of the resurrected Jesus (1 Cor 15:8-9) and stressed that his apostolic authority was based on his vision. As he wrote, he "received it [ the Gospel ] by revelation from Jesus Christ " (Gal 1:11-12); according to Acts, his conversion took place as he was journeying on the Road to Damascus .Paul was the second most prolific contributor to the New Testament, after Luke the Evangelist. Thirteen letters are attributed to him, with varying degrees of confidence. The undisputed Pauline epistles contain the earliest systematic account of Christian doctrine, and provide information on the life of the infant Church . They are arguably the oldest part of the New Testament. Paul also appears in the pages of the Acts of the Apostles, attributed to Luke, so that it is possible to compare the account of his life in the Acts with his own account in his various letters. His letters are largely written to churches which he had founded or visited; he was a great traveller, visiting Cyprus , Asia Minor (modern Turkey ), mainland Greece , Crete , and Rome bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, first to Jews and then to Gentiles. His letters are full of expositions of what Christians should believe and how they should