Offering a Chinese mutton fat jade plaque pendant featuring an elder scholar and a boy depicted on the front, with inscriptions on the back. It weighs 23g and measures 7mm x 21mm x 56mm, displaying an ash gray hue with hints of green, free from cracks or chips.

I'm currently selling items acquired from a prosperous local estate. While I'm not an expert in Asian collectibles, feel free to reach out if you have any pricing inquiries.

Appendix: Scientific Identification of Nephrite Jade

For those interested in the scientific aspect, here are the measurements I conducted to confirm the identity of this piece as nephrite jade.

I utilized the hydrostatic method to measure the Specific Gravity, resulting in a value of 2.94 (22.92/7.79). The hardness reading from my Thermal Conductivity Hardness tester falls within the range of 6 and 7.

Both of these physical quantities align closely with the characteristics expected for nephrite jade.

This is a vintage item from 1980s to 1990s. We are not an antique shop and we don’t sell antiques.