Transform your paintings with what you learn from Ryan Jensen video! In this energy-packed 4-hour instructional video, Ryan teaches artists of all skill levels how to paint more freely and expressively using techniques like color mixing, brushwork, and unexpected approaches with common tools like palette knives, brushes, and paper towels as he completes a painting from bold underpainting to final gestural strokes.

Whether you're struggling with creative blocks or just looking to take your paintings to the next level, "Loosen Up Your Paintings" will give you the skills and confidence you need to create works of art that truly capture your unique style and vision. 

In this video:
Since his time in the U.S. Marine Corps, Ryan has developed a new “lens” to see the world. He’ll share his secret for how to see a figure in a brand new way that just may release all the constraints and allow you to truly paint freely for the first time. 

“The problem with painting a figure is … we’re trying to paint a figure!” — Ryan Jensen