Dynamite Email Template



15nm Maximum Torque.

4 buttons, 2 rotary buttons, 1 momentary two-way switch, 1 three-way switch.

Aluminum outer shell, active cooling fan in rear.

Providing greater torque output


Servo Motor

Servo motor can realize the output of fixed angle, speed, and torque; And the servo motor control speed and position are more accurate and delicate.


Real Racing Experience

Adopting a direct drive system, a more sensitive and direct steering response can be obtained; The force feedback of the steering wheel will be more direct, faster, and closer to the real racing experience.


Plug and Play

Easy installation, quick to remove, and support diversified peripherals.


APP adjustment

More Intelligent to remote control by mobile APP adjustment.

Shipping / Spedizione
ENG: We can ship worldwide!
You can choose between express courier and standard postal service.

ITA: Possiamo spedire in tutto il mondo!

Puoi scegliere tra corriere espresso e servizio postale standard.

Support / Supporto
ENG: You can contact our team through our live chat or open a ticket in the "support" section of the site 3DRap.it

ITA: Puoi contattare il nostro team tramite la nostra live chat o aprire un ticket nella sezione "supporto" del sito 3DRap.it
Payments / Pagamenti
ENG: Pay with Paypal! You can pay with your credit or debit card if you don’t have a Paypal account. We also accept bank transfers.

ITA: Paga con Paypal! Puoi pagare con la tua carta di credito o debito se non disponi di un account Paypal. Accettiamo anche bonifici bancari.