This straight razor has been carefully restored to its and is now shave ready. Crafted by Blue Steel, a top-quality blade, this razor is a perfect addition to any collector's collection. Made in Germany, this razor exudes the precision and craftsmanship that the country is famous for. Its unique features include jimps on the tang for a steady hand and a sharp blade that offers a close shave. This razor is 5/8 wide and is full hollow ground with a square point. I blunted the point just alto prevent digging in and ensure a great comfortable shave.This razor is well suited for both the expert and beginning user. Really a great shaving razor.

My hone progression is using Naniwaa Superstones beginning with the 1k. The progression is 1k, 5k, 8k, and 12k. I leave them at 12k for a final polish. I do have natural hones the include a coticule, JNAT, Thrungian, and a surgical black Arkansas. If you would like a natural final edge just let me know and this can be added at no additional cost.