Saturn Girl announces that her one year term as Legion leader has come to an end. She suggests using a computer to help select the next leader but Brainiac 5 voices his protest. He feels that selecting a leader by computer would give him an unfair advantage and he would be selected. Proty II intervenes and suggests that he be allowed to construct a puzzle. The first Legionnaire clever enough to guess the correct solution would become the next leader. All the members unanimously agree. They observe as Proty changes his shape into Bizarro form and fashions a medallion for himself with his name written backwards on it. Proty then sends Saturn Girl on mission to the planet Rorbis where she is instructed to win the most difficult event at its Interplanetary Rodeo. Saturn Girl travels to the planet and readily wins the Kangobronc race. Ultra Boy is assigned the next mission where he is instructed to capture crooks that have escaped to a certain asteroid but have taken an invisible form. Ultra Boy arrives on the asteroid and uses his flashvision to heat up the rocky surface. The villains cry out in pain as their feet are burned by the hot surface thus revealing their location. Phantom Girl is the next to be selected for a mission. She is instructed to find Jor-Els greatest award that he received on Krypton. She is not to use a timescope or time bubble to find her answer.Brainiac 5
Chameleon Boy
Colossal Boy
Cosmic Boy
Elastic Lad
Element Lad
Invisible Kid
Light Lass
Matter-Eater Lad
Phantom Girl
Saturn Girl
Shrinking Violet
Sun Boy