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Leklai Phra Pidta
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Made of  Leklai Thong Pla Lai

Leklai is a Mystery Matter in the world 
Its colors are dark green, black, white, brown, dark gray, silver, gold, dark pink, blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange, rainbow or a combination of them

Its colors are dark green, black, white, brown, dark gray, silver, gold, dark pink, blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange, rainbow or a combination of them

People Trust Leklai is a living substance because it contains one or more spirits (Deva)
According to the Eastern mystical folklore, only who have the necessary awareness is able to have benefits by possessing Leklai in any form.

People who wear a piece of Leklai or a Leklai amulet report some great benefits. For example, they rapidly increased their sensitivity and awareness levels, reached higher energy levels and begun to have lucid dreams.

There are many types of Leklai and it is practically impossible, outside the Thai language, to be able to list all of them with their proper names.

Cave Nam Pee Ra Hod Leklai has been researched since ancient times. Compared to other types of Leklai it is unmistakable for its color with green and blue reflections and it has an inestimable energy power.
Tibetan tradition tells us of superhuman gifts connected to this type of Leklai: it can move from one place to another or disappear passing into another dimension.

According to local folklore, it likes receiving offers of honey, rainwater or raw rice.

We never thought they would ever offer us access to such a powerful Leklai as it is only given to those who are ready to receive it.

It boasts beautiful color tones recalling those of a rainbow.

A unique piece, perhaps the most precious of all Leklai types, it can induce mystical experiences and grant unparalleled energetic protection to those who carry it and believe in the ancient Buddhist tradition of Thailand


This is one of the rarest and most powerful Leklai type.

It is usually found in the ceiling of the caves and has a dark green or black color that can change to other colors when illuminated by a light source.

According to thai legends, Ko ti pi has a super power of invulnerability against demons, evil powers or dangerous animals with fangs and weapons.

It is also said that its wearer will be safe as if he were protected by an enlightened Being when the power of this lek is equal to that of one who has activated his third eye or subtle sight and has attained 5th siddhi.

Cutting this Leklai type is very difficult and dangerous because it releases splinters during cutting. Therefore those who cut it must have sufficient awareness so as not to be cut by such splinters.

Ko ti pi Leklai was used by a General of Laos (Wung Pao) during the war against Vietnam and it protected soldiers around the general while bombs were dropped.


This Lek Lai is almost as powerful as the Ko ti pi.There are few informations about Royal (royal is our addition to distinguish it from the Lob-rainbow) rainbow Leklai.

Taking it in hand it looks very heavy. It has such iridescent and variegated shades that it resembles a rainbow.

As long as the colors are vivid and bright this Leklai is alive and gives powerful protection from external energies of any nature, gender and type.

It’s another rarity. It is collected in a cruet and can be in solid or liquid state depending on the temperature.

This Leklai is silvery in color and is extracted in the high mountains of Thailand, Laos, Tibet and China.

According to thai legends, it is protected by holy spirits.

It is believed that the power of Watchara Tad consists in making its owner receive mercy from other people, as well as making it invulnerable to dangers and making them behave ethically.

According to thai legends, this 24-karat gold-colored Leklai is possessed by solar Deva and it has the power of Naga (the Great Serpent in Buddhist tradition).

Another belief states that it can be hidden from human eyes in forests and caves.

Its gold color represents the abundance that gives to those who possess it
Kaew Leklai can be found either transparent or colored (yellow, green, violet, red, blue, blue, pink).

According to local folklore, it is animated by a Deva.

Those who are lucky enough to own it will see an immediate increase in their meditative abilities.

Furthermore it is said that it can improve personal conditions of those who possess it in different environments, depending on the color.

We were able to learn more about the following colors:

white / transparent: it increases the ability to perceive one’s self and to discover one’s own essence;
red / pink: works on physical / energetic and material well-being, favoring the realization of one’s desires;
blue /light blue: it gives calm and peace and increases the meditative abilities of those who possess it, allowing them to understand their true path in life; it also stimulates the emergence of a state of perfect health and protects against dysfunctional energies and dangers;
green: works on prosperity because it can attract positive events in the life of the owner;
yellow orange: it strongly develops the meditative abilities of those who use it, such as those of a Buddhist monk;
violet: it works on the transmutation of the dysfunctional energies of the user and of the environment in which it is placed.
Regardless of the color, however, all Kaew Leklai types develop meditative abilities of those who own them.

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