I am selling antique Bible published in 1877 or 1879.

this 1,000+ page Bible contains the Old & New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues, Cruden's Complete Concordance, embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions. It also includes a comprehensive Bible dictionary, in which every important scriptural word is fully explained; a complete history of each book of the Bible, beautifully illustrated; cities of the Bible, with descriptive scenes and events in Palestine; Jewish and Egyptian antiquities; Biblical scenery, manners and customs of the ancients, natural history; Bible aids for social prayer, a history of Jewish worship; Biblical antiquities; recent explorations in Bible lands; history of Herod; Apocrypha & psalms, a concise history of all religious denominations, and much more, all embellished by 2,200 illustrative engravings.

Severely stressed (see photos).