Directly from weaver of Teotitlan del Valle Oaxaca, this is an Authentic high quality hand woven rug. This rug was hand woven on a stand up loom which has two feet pedals that open up and down opening the warps to fill the yarns horizontally. This technique allows the weaver to create any intricate designs, geometric patters in different sizes and colors. The dark and light blue color were obtained from natural indigo plant. The red dye is from cochineal ( scale insect from cactus) and yellow from flowers and leaves of pericon. The rug is thick and is reversible. The rug can be used as a wall hanging or as a floor mat. Dyes are colorfast.

Heoght: 60 inches
Thickness:1/8 inches
Sheep Wool
This rug is a 100% eco-friendly product.

Care: Dry cleaning or hand clean with damp cloth to remove stain or dust and flat dry

We customize larger size, design or colors according to the required dimension. Also for wholesale price, please contact for more information.

Shipping Method:
My first priority is to provide an excellent service.  During peak shipping season delays are expected, please apologize for any inconvenience shipping service could cause. I will always do my best to ship the item as soon as possible.  Thank you very much for your business.