Wine For Dummies von Ed McCarthy, Mary Ewing-Mulligan

Art Nr.: 1119118840
ISBN 13: 9781119118848
B-Nr: INF1000357492
ReleaseYear: 2015
Published by: Wiley-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co. Kgaa
Edition: Taschenbuch
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 237x190x25
Pages: 432
Weight: 358 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Ed McCarthy, Mary Ewing-Mulligan

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Are you up to date on today's wine scene

Wine For Dummies, 6th Edition reveals what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. With new and revised content, this edition of the popular Wine For Dummies text takes you on a tour of emerging and old world wine regions, showcasing the varieties and styles you need to know to stay up to date on today's wine scene. In addition to highlighting wines themselves, this approachable resource offers insight into wine shops, supermarket wine selections, wine and food pairings, vintage charts, and price guidelines. For the aspiring wine aficionado, the text offers expert advice on buying, collecting, and rating wines--and can direct you in updating your personal collection through its thorough guidance.

Wine has, for generations, been an important part of culture and society around the world. Over time, trends in wine change--as do the ways in which it is created, celebrated, and enjoyed. Exploring today's wine trends is a great way to learn more about and appreciate different cultures--and let's be honest: educational value aside, wine tastes amazing.
\* Understand different grape varieties and varying wine styles
\* Read wine lists and labels, and understand how to use them to make the right purchases
\* Pair your wine with food in a way that will bring out the best flavors in all aspects of your meal
\* Explore how to best select, store, open, pour, and enjoy your wine

Wine For Dummies, 6th Edition provides you with the information you need to confidently navigate today's wine scene!
Information of Author
Ed McCarthy and Mary Ewing-Mulligan share over a half-century of professional wine experience and have coauthored 12 books on wine. Ed also writes for the trade publication Beverage Media and is a columnist for Wine Review Online. Mary is president of the International Wine Center, a prominent wine school in New York City.
Information of Author:
Ed McCarthy and Mary Ewing-Mulligan share over a half-century of professional wine experience and have coauthored 12 books on wine. Ed also writes for the trade publication Beverage Media and is a columnist for Wine Review Online. Mary is president of the International Wine Center, a prominent wine school in New York City.