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The information below relates to the actual book I am selling

Every book sold is wrapped in bubble wrap then put into a handmade cardboard box which is then wrapped in brown paper - we do not use padded envelopes.




HARDBACK (400 copies only) 




Published by the excellent SST Publications in 2022 with a stated First Edition October 2022 and a full 1 to 10 number sequence indicating a first printing of this edition.  The title was previously published by Orion in 2020.

This is book #137 of 400.  SIGNED by JOSH MALERMAN and BEN BALDWIN (cover and interior artwork) on the limitation page.      

The book was bought by me for resale direct from the publisher and is in NEW and UNREAD condition in a NEW condition dust jacket. 


SYNOPSIS:   "Carol Evers is a woman with a dark secret. She has died many times... but her many deaths are not final: They are comas, a waking slumber indistinguishable from death, each lasting days.

Only two people know of Carol's eerie condition. One is her husband, Dwight, who married Carol for her fortune, and - when she lapses into another coma - plots to seize it by proclaiming her dead and quickly burying her... alive. The other is her lost love, the infamous outlaw James Moxie. When word of Carol's dreadful fate reaches him, Moxie rides the Trail again to save his beloved from an early, unnatural grave.

And all the while, awake and aware, Carol fights to free herself from the crippling darkness that binds her - summoning her own fierce will to survive. As the players in this drama of life and death fight to decide her fate, Carol must in the end battle to save herself.

The haunting story of a woman literally bringing herself back from the dead, Unbury Carol is a twisted take on the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page."



We concentrate on the Horror, SF, Fantasy and Crime fiction genres but not exclusively.